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To prepare for and learn about the upcoming Jewish holiday of Passover (Pesach), Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills and its Rabbi Weistrop Religious School will hold a Passover Family Activity Day at the synagogue in Milton from 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 on Sunday, April 7th.  All interested families in the area, including non-members, are invited to attend this free program.

The Activity Day invites everyone to get into the Passover spirit by participating in activities for children ages K-7th grade starting at 10:15 AM; joining a school-wide Mock Seder at 11 AM (with parents encouraged to attend as well); and learning how to make Bedouin Matzah with Rabbi Alfred Benjamin, the Matzah Maven.  The traditional symbolic signing and sale of Chametz can also be completed by adults, while the entire religious school and visiting children will participate in singing, group activities, and arts and crafts. RSVPs are requested for non-members.

Visitors can also meet Rabbi Benjamin and Education Director Nancy Mollitor as well as other temple members, and learn about the congregation’s activities, religious services, holiday celebrations, and the Religious School.

The Spring holiday of Passover commemorates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery and their exodus from Egypt, led by Moses.  It lasts eight days and is marked by Seders, meals which include the retelling of the exodus story, along with consumption of special foods and restrictions from others.

Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills is an egalitarian congregation which welcomes inter-faith families.  It is located at 18 Shoolman Way (off Lodge Street) in Milton. Parking is somewhat limited, and overflow parking is available on nearby Pleasant St.  No parking is allowed on Lodge or Maitland Streets. For more information, please call the synagogue office at 617-698-3394, Email or visit www.BethShalomBlue