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Stone in Kidney: What are the signs and remedies?

Stone in Kidney: What are the signs and remedies?
It might sound interesting when I say that a stone-like structure can get formed inside your body. The most common human organs which can have stones are the kidney and the gall bladder. But it is not something normal to have these stones inside our human body. The medical term for this situation in the kidney is called “Nephrolithiasis”. It is one of the most common reasons for pain in the abdomen among people visiting the hospital.
A kidney is a part of the urinary tract system in the human body that filters the blood from toxic chemicals and converts them into inactive metabolites. These 2 kidneys are connected with ureters separately and fill into a single urinary bladder, which stores urine. Then, urine is released through a urethral opening in the genital organ. A stone can get formed at any site of this urinary tract system. So, in this article, I will consider “kidney stone” as a common term for stones in all sites.

Mostly, these kidney stones are chemically made up of calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate. But it is also not uncommon to find stone composed of uric acid and cysteine. Various factors trigger the formation of kidney stones. Those people who drink less water are high likely to get kidney stones. Alcohol intake, high calcium diet, and recurrent urinary tract infection are also other risk factors to precipitate kidney stone formation.
A person with kidney stones can develop unprecedented and sudden onset of pain in the abdomen. The person usually locates the pain in the loin region and might say the pain also moves towards the groin. This pain can be so excruciating that the person can never stay still in one position. Vomiting is also frequently observed along with the pain. Sometimes, a person can also see blood in urine and even the small stone that gets passed out in the urine. If a person has recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI), a kidney stone might have been there for a long time.
Above symptoms and signs in a person give clues for kidney stone. A doctor’s visit to the hospital must be done for further investigation of the situation. Besides the medications given by doctors, strict advice should be followed at home too. Drinking large amount of water is a must in this situation. Despite people telling drinking beer is useful, it is advised not to drink any alcoholic beverages until full clearance. A diet low in potassium and animal proteins is found to decrease the further formation of kidney stones. On contrary, a normal calcium diet is recommended for kidney stone despite high blood calcium levels being a risk factor for the stone.

Dr. Prakar Poudel
Medical Graduate

Verified by:
Dr. Hassaan Tohid
California institute of Behavioural neuroscience and Psychology