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Little Gym, Big Results

 Ladies Little Gym on Centre Street in West Roxbury is a small space that delivers big results. Opening in November 2021, the gym’s founder Maureen had a clear vision for what she wanted to create. 

   In theory, the gym would be a safe space for women to come and focus their energy on self-improvement, without the fear of opinions or judgement. In reality, the gym seems to be accomplishing just that. 

   Ladies Little Gym is a female owned and female run gym, providing a community that builds women up and supports their betterment in the safety of a female oriented space. The fitness industry can be a heavily male dominated space, sometimes neglecting the individual needs of women. Many women feel that gyms prioritize male customers.

   A survey carried out by the Women in Fitness Association (WIFA) in 2022, showed that women make up just 29% of gym owners. The gender gap is still prevalent in the fitness industry, particularly in leadership roles. Though the volume of gym memberships is relatively balanced between the genders in the U.S., there is still areas of the gym where women feel unwelcome. A vast majority of female gym-goers reported feeling intimidated by weight resistance training and other male dominated areas of the gym. This is an issue that Ladies Little Gym is confronting head on. 

   “Alot of women go to these big gyms and get overwhelmed,” says employee Maria. “They tend to go towards cardio, but they don’t realize how beneficial weight resistance training is. What we offer is a full body workout focusing on those aspects that they might otherwise avoid.”

     Ladies Little Gym takes measures to ensure that all customers reach their full potential and are at their best both physically and mentally. For them, that means an individualized approach to each client’s needs and goals. 

   “Each group consists of only four people,” Maria says. “The focus here is results so the workouts are personalized and modified as time goes on. Our aim is to challenge the body to avoid stagnation and produce results. There is true science to the workouts.”

   The five professional trainers understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness, which seems to be a huge selling point for those who decide to embark on their fitness journey at Ladies Little Gym.

   Noting the importance of physical activity for not only physical wellbeing but mental wellbeing, they stress the importance of a welcoming, judgement-free environment.

“Post Covid, it was so important to get people back into taking care of themselves,” Maria says. “There’s a huge mental health component to working out. The minute you walk through the door, you are greeted by name, by enthusiastic staff. It has a familial feel.” 

The community they’ve created has grown rapidly since its opening, welcoming women of all ages and stages to come and focus on their fitness free of judgement. The first session is also free of charge, as the gym offers an hour and thirty-minute trial to potential customers. They welcome all interested to visit their website for more information or contact them directly at